Safe Web Searching for Kids (or Grandkids)

Find out how to help them be safe online

kid doing web search

In This Article

• The web can be scary and dangerous for kids

• But there are safe places to go

• And safe ways to find them

• Teach kids how to search web safely

• See list of kid-friendly resources

• Learn how to make YouTube kid-safe

(No time to read right now? Just want to see the list of things to know? Here you go.)


The web is like New York City. There are some wonderful and safe things to see and do, but there are also areas that you wouldn't want your kids wandering around.

We'll show you how to keep your kids (or grandkids) safe while doing online searches and surfing the web.

Kid-Safe Web

Search engines that provide safe searching for kids are configured to filter out certain words, images, and videos. They're built so kids can use them even if unsupervised.

kid on laptopTheir user interface is designed to be simple and easy to use, which helps give kids a sense of accomplishment and a level of comfort using the web.

The goal of kid-safe web search engines is to help kids find what they're looking for without landing on pages that might be inappropriate.

We list a bunch of search engines safe for kids to use in the Resources section below. But first, let's talk about some general safe web browsing tips:

  Teach your kids the importance of general web safety

  Be aware that kid-safe browsers protect kids only if they're using a browser — some internet usage occurs via apps and many safe browsers can be easily bypassed by clever kids

  Train your kids to never share any personal information or passwords with anyone or any website

  Use family safety software that can limit and screen your kid's browsing access

  Discuss realistic scenarios that might happen and talk to your kids about what they should do — Things like…

  Inappropriate web content appearing

  A stranger messaging them online

  Someone or some site asking for personal information

  Make sure your kids feel comfortable coming to you about anything online that doesn't seem right

  Explain cyberbullying to your kids and have them report it to you if it happens


The following are search engines and other resources kids can use for schoolwork or research. (Note: Links will open in new browser tabs / windows.)

  kid on tablet(Web search) Kiddle

  (Web search) WackySafe

  (Web search) KidzSearch

  (Web search) KidsSearch

  (Web search) SweetSearch

  (Web search) Ducksters

  (Encyclopedia) Kiddle Encyclopedia

  (Homework help) KidInfo

  (Directory of topics) Kidtopia

  (Directory of topics) the Children Well Teach the Children Well

  (For older kids needing to cite reference material) Google Scholar

  (Helpful info from Google) Family Safe info from Google

  (Privacy protection while searching) DuckDuckGo (This isn't necessarily kid-friendly but it does not track search history so it's more private than other search engines)

How to Make YouTube Kid Safe

YouTubeThere's a lot of great stuff on YouTube for kids. To help your kids avoid the other stuff, use YouTube's "safe surfing" mode:

  1. Create a new YouTube account for your kid
  2. Click the profile picture
  3. Select "Restricted Mode" and turn it on

Some Other Safe Places For Kids Online…

  pbs kids logoPBSKids — Safe place for kids to browse educational games, videos, and more. (Free)

  Nature Cat’s Great Outdoors — PBS-based app for 4-7 year-olds with 100+ learning adventures. (Free)

  Khan Academy Kids — Nonprofit educational site for kids of all ages. Crammed with fun lessons in science, math, art, and computing. (Free)

  Out of Eden Learn — Learning site that connects students around the world on topics like history, geography, and science. (Free) — Online video learning site for tots to teens. Has courses and challenges based on kindness and communication. (Monthly fee)


Just because there are some scary parts of NYC doesn't mean you should never go there with your kids. Likewise, there's no reason to keep them off the web.

There are things you should explain to them so they feel safe and comfortable. And there are many resources that let them search and surf the web safely.


If you have any questions about anything here or if there's an issue you'd like us to write about please get in touch.

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