Welcome to the Online Safety Zone

child and laptop

This website is for regular people like you who have concerns about cybersecurity and want to learn more.

Our mission is to help you feel safe online.

We provide information about online safety and cybersecurity issues in a way that everyone can understand.

You'll learn how to avoid viruses and malware, protect your privacy, outsmart the hackers, and keep yourself safe online.

We don't use complicated technical terms. We explain the issues in simple terms, and then give you easy steps to prevent problems.

Are you concerned about?…

• Email
• Public WiFi
• Social media
• Cloud storage
• Online banking
• Online shopping

These can be used safely while protecting your privacy and avoiding viruses and malware! We'll show you how

Let's Have a Conversation!

We encourage a two-way dialogue — we want to know what you're concerned about so we can provide helpful advice. You can always get in touch   with us. 

people using laptops

And if you subscribe to our free newsletter, we'll keep you informed about any serious threats that arise (and what you can do about them).

There Are NO Dummies

We don't believe anyone is “too dumb” to understand the basics of online safety. However, we know that some people are reluctant to deal with these issues.

But if you take just one recommended action, you're that much closer to being able to truly feel safe online.

Get Started

Please check out our   start here page for more details.