Password Management

“Just the list for people in a hurry…”

Note: This is not a substitute for the full article.

It's a just the list of things to know regarding password management.

  It's important to use passwords everywhere personal or sensitive information is accessible

  It's getting easier for hackers to quickly guess bad passwords

  Good passwords are complex combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols

  You can test how good (or bad) your password is (see article)

  Password managers are software apps that make creating and remembering passwords easy

  An alternative to password managers is coming up with your own pattern

Things to Never Do

  Never use short, obvious, or easy to guess passwords

  Never use the same one in more than one place

  Never share your password with anyone

  Never give your password to anyone over the phone or via email

  Never write them down (if you really must, at least hide the paper really well!)

Things to Always Do

  Always use long and complex passwords

  Always use a different password for every location

  Always use a password manager (and secure it with a good password)

Please read the article for details. If you're confused by anything let us know so we can help.