Homeschooling Online Safety

“Just the list for people in a hurry…”

Note: This is not a substitute for the full article.

It's a just the list of things to know about online safety while homeschooling.

All the homeschooling going on now provides a rich target for hackers. But there are things you can do to protect your family. There are two categories of protection…

Parental Guidelines and Solutions

  Parents and kids should review and understand the school's remote learning policies

  Parents should set rules for study location and timing

  Kids should ask parents before downloading things

  Parents should talk to kids about social engineering and how to avoid it

  Kids should agree to never share personal information online

  Parents should keep open line of communications with kids

  Parents should monitor kids' overall online activities to avoid burnout

Technical Solutions and Guidelines

  Keep all software updated (operating system, web browsers, antivirus software, video-conferencing software, etc.)

  Run antivirus on regular basis and do not ignore critical warnings

  Always use strong passwords

  Never share passwords (except with parents)

  Disable location tracking on phone (including camera)

  Cover the webcam when not actively using it

  Think about using parental control and monitoring software

  Think about using content filtering software

  Maximize security for video-conferencing software

  Use alternative search engine for better privacy

  Use a virtual private network (VPN)

Please read the article for details. If you're confused by anything let us know so we can help.